Bertrand de Mazières

Bertrand de Mazières

Audit Committee Chair

Bertrand de Mazières joined the IFFIm Board in May 2018. As Director General for Finance at the European Investment Bank from August 2006 until October 2023, Mr de Mazières has been the chief financial officer of the biggest multilateral bank and largest long term lender in Europe, with responsibility for funding, treasury, support functions (back and middle office) and ALM, and managing a staff of 280.

A French national, Mr de Mazières has been involved since 1982 in public administration, financial market regulatory authorities and International Financial Institutions. In close and continuous interaction with banks, capital market enterprises, ministries of finance, central banks and regulatory supervisors, he has alternated operational functions with supervisory and regulatory responsibilities, all concerned by and contributing to the development of capital markets at the service of the public, and especially to the EU financial integration. His experience also includes the set-up and management of newly created operations.

Mr de Mazières has a Master’s in Business and Public Law from Université Paris Sud (Paris XI), and post-graduate degrees from Ecole Nationale d’Administration, University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne, Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies and HEC Paris. He currently lives in Luxembourg.