News and Resources

News and resources

Vaccination is essential to prevent world's leading child killer - pneumonia

30 Oct 2009

Marking the first international World Pneumonia Day on 2 November, the GAVI Alliance plans to immunise 130 million children in poor countries against pneumonia, the world's leading child killer.

Japanese retail investors continue to show strong support for vaccine bonds

24 Jun 2009

Vaccine bonds offered to Japanese retail investors raise USD 130 million equivalent to help pay for health and immunisation programmes in some of the world’s poorest countries.

GAVI recognised as international institution

23 Jun 2009

The GAVI Alliance, which has been hosted by UNICEF since it was launched in 2000, has become an independent international institution - the first organisation to receive such recognition under the new Swiss Host State Act.

Netherlands to join innovative funding programme for immunisation

03 Jun 2009

The Netherlands has pledged Euros 80 million over eight years to an innovative financing initiative that converts long-term government pledges into immediate funds for children’s vaccination programmes.

Vaccine Bonds launched to help save children's lives

01 Jun 2009

Launch of Vaccine Bonds offer Japanese individuals investment opportunities while helping save the lives of children in the poorest countries

Investors welcome the return of IFFIm’s “Vaccine Bonds” to the Japanese debt market

27 May 2009

Vaccine bonds offered to Japanese retail investors in two currencies will raise USD 143 million equivalent to help pay for health and immunisation programmes in the world’s poorest countries.

IFFIm raises more than US$ 2 billion to support life-saving immunisation programmes in poorest countries

19 May 2009

The International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm) satisfies strong demand for ethical investments and helps ensure children are vaccinated.