Gavi reaches milestone: one billion children immunised

Gavi reaches milestone: one billion children immunised

1 August 2023

Gavi has now supported the immunisation of more than one billion children with essential vaccines since it was established in 2000.

Gavi has now supported the immunisation of more than one billion children with essential vaccines since it was established in 2000.

This announcement was part of Gavi’s Mid-Term Review report, Raising Generation ImmUnity, which examines data from the first two years of Gavi’s 2021-2025 strategic period. The report showed that Gavi is on track to meet most of the key commitments made to donors. This includes supporting countries to immunise an additional 300 million children by 2025, saving more than seven million lives and generating economic benefits of US$ 80-100 billion.

IFFIm is invested in Gavi’s success, having transferred more than US$ 5.8 billion to Gavi since 2006, making up 18% of the Alliance’s programme funding. This has saved more lives, faster.

The Raising Generation ImmUnity report also showed that after a drop in routine immunisation during the pandemic, vaccination recovered throughout Gavi-supported countries in 2022, though more must be done to reach children who missed out during the pandemic.

Gavi estimates that Immunising over a billion children has prevented more than 17 million future deaths, contributing to halving child mortality in 73 lower-income countries. With vaccine campaigns, full regimen and COVAX, in total, more than six billion doses of vaccines have been provided through Gavi programmes.

Keeping the momentum going, Gavi is on track to exceed 1.1 billion unique children vaccinated through routine immunisation by the end of 2025.

“In the era of polycrises and in the wake of unprecedented disruption due to the pandemic, there will be challenges ahead that we will have to face and overcome together,” said Gavi CEO Dr Seth Berkley. “But that’s exactly what the Vaccine Alliance does best. We work together and pool expertise, partnerships and resources to help countries overcome hurdles in order to leave no one behind with immunisation.”

Read more about Gavi’s progress in 11 key stats from Gavi’s Mid-Term Review.

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