United Kingdom

United Kingdom

The UK is the largest donor to IFFIm and a leading supporter of Gavi. As of 2023, the UK’s existing core Gavi IFFIm commitments total £2.6 billion (US$ 4.2 billion) over 23 years to support Gavi core immunisation programmes and COVID-19 vaccines provided by the COVAX Facility. 

The UK has made four legally binding pledges to IFFIm since its inception. The first was in 2006 for £1.38 billion and payable over 20 years from 2007-2026. In 2009, the UK pledged an additional £250 million payable over 20 years from 2010-2029. The third pledge, made to IFFIm in June 2022, extended the UK’s commitment with an additional pledge of £461 million.

In 2020, the UK pledged an additional £500 million to IFFIm for the COVAX AMC.

In its 2023 annual review, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) gave IFFIm a score of A+. The report noted, “IFFIm has once again become a crucial frontloading platform for both Gavi and its donors, facilitating the scale-up of high-impact routine immunisation and a swift response to the Covid-19(C19) pandemic through COVAX.”

United Kingdom

US$ equivalent

US$ 4,230 million

*over 23 years

Currency of pledge

GBP 2,591 million

*over 23 years