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France is the second largest contributor to IFFIm having committed a total of €1.39 billion over 20 years. In 2006, France made a first commitment to IFFIm, of nearly €373 million over the period 2007-2021. France made an additional IFFIm pledge in 2007, of €867 million over 2008-2026. France’s third IFFIm pledge of €150 million was announced in 2021.

France has been a donor to Gavi since 2004, through direct contributions and through IFFIm.

France’s support of IFFIm underpins a strong commitment to innovative financing to meet the health SDGs and to support health systems in the most fragile countries.


US$ equivalent

US$ 1,884 million

*over 20 years

Currency of pledge

EUR 1,390 million

*over 20 years